Do you ever feel like there’s more to life than what you experience every day?
Awaken Your Connection to Source… and Become the Spiritual Leader You Were Meant to Be!
Plus… create the abundance you deserve… while still staying true to your divine power!
Dear Friend,
Lisa Turner here.
You and I haven’t had a chance to meet in person (not yet, anyway), but I get the feeling that I know something about you.
To someone looking at your life from the outside, you probably look like you’ve got things figured out pretty well. You’ve achieved successes at work and in your personal life, and you might even have helped others reach success along the way, too.
But from the inside, things don’t look quite the same, do they?
You’re grateful for your successes and the people around you, sure. And you realize that, in some respects, you’ve been quite fortunate.
But still, something seems to be missing.
If you’re like most of us, you can’t quite seem to put your finger on what that “something” is. But every day, it’s there – a sense of emptiness.
It’s almost as if there’s something you should be doing to truly walk in harmony with your life’s purpose.
You feel a quiet pull to be a spiritual leader.
There’s something deep inside you that hungers to connect with the divine. And you know that if you could do that, you could use your spiritual insights to empower others.
But so far, nothing you’ve tried seems to work for very long, does it?
You’ve probably tried things like…
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Mantras
- Rituals
- Tai chi
These practices most likely felt great for a short while… but soon, you realized that they weren’t getting you one centimeter closer to an authentic connection with the divine.
It can be pretty disappointing, I know.
And you can use your deep sense of spirituality to positively impact the lives of others… through your work, your business, and your personal relationships.
But what’s even better is that developing an authentic connection to source gives you the power to create many other changes in your life, as well…
- It allows you to experience true meaning in your life, rather than spending each day simply “going through the paces.”
- It makes you part of a global movement to improve the quality of life for every human being.
- It gives you a renewed sense of focus, helping you eliminate “shiny object syndrome” in your business, work, and personal life.
- It empowers you to create work that is consistent with your spiritual needs, and to find the clients or opportunities to pay you what you deserve for that work.
- It gives you the influence to make an undeniable impact on your clients, coworkers, family members, community, and beyond.
- It sustains the motivation and enthusiasm you need to work consistently toward your goals – whether you need to get to the gym or finally start your business, you’ll stay productive!
- It equips you with almost super-human clarity, allowing you to clearly define your goals and intuitively choose the ideal path to achieve those goals.
- It gives you unbreakable calm – if you often feel anxious or overwhelmed, this will be a huge relief!
Now, if any of this sounds good to you, I have some very good news for you:
The exact programme that has provided thousands of people like you with their own empowering, awe-inspiring spiritual awakenings… is right at your fingertips.
In just three short months, a small group of people like you will develop the deep, nurturing spiritual connection they’ve been craving… and tap into their new-found spiritual power to create financial and personal abundance in their lives.
And they’ll master the skills and techniques to create a profound impact in the lives of others. Some will integrate their spiritual wisdom in their work or businesses, while others will transform lives on a more personal level. Either way, they’ll experience a sense of purpose, control, and success that allows them to not just exist… but to truly live!
What makes Abundant Spiritual Leader different from anything else you’ve seen?
If you’ve read my story, you might already know that I have a slightly different view of spirituality than most of the “experts” out there. But in case you haven’t, allow me to explain:
Most spiritual teachers, even those who have decades of experience, tend to teach their students that the spiritual and physical worlds cannot mix.
In other words, they claim that if you want to develop a true connection to the divine, you have to remove yourself from “the world.” And that means saying “no” to financial abundance, rich social relationships, and enjoying a lifestyle of freedom and joy.
That’s not what I’m about.
I believe that we are in the midst of a dramatic and profound spiritual transition. Today, people gravitate toward those who can share (and operate within) authentic spiritual wisdom… and they’re willing to financially reward those who share that wisdom.
But very few people who are spiritually “awake” have the skills to translate their insights into financial and lifestyle success. They labor under the misconception that financial rewards are “bad”… and so they and their families never get to experience the abundant lifestyle they deserve.
As an Abundant Spiritual Leader programme member, you’re getting those skills.
You see, this problem isn’t about “woo woo” nonsense or empty, feel-good fluff.
It’s about practical spiritual technology you can use to achieve abundance in the real world.
It’s about empowering you to live the amazing spiritual journey that is your birthright… without giving up financial or lifestyle success.
It’s about equipping you to become a spiritual leader… so you can be immersed in our current global movement of peace, prosperity, and healing.
In short, it’s about giving you the practical tools to discover your own divine power.
My Spiritual Master Practitioners and I designed this programme to give you a complete, in-depth approach to tapping into your spirituality and using it to achieve your purpose with joy and ease.
That’s why I’ve included everything you could possibly need to be a part of the growing spiritual movement that is changing the very fabric of reality right now:
The Core Abundant Spiritual Leader Training Video Modules
Each week during the 12-week programme, you’ll get access to a new training module created specifically to give you mastery over one aspect of your spiritual growth… and to empower you to create abundance while making a real difference in the lives of those you serve.
Each module builds on the last, making your journey powerful and impactful without leaving you feeling confused or overwhelmed. And because you’ll have unlimited access to these video and audio modules, you can learn at your own pace – if you get busy one week and can’t devote as much time to your spiritual education, you can always catch up the following week!
Here’s the breakdown of what you’ll be learning in each week’s module:
Introduction: Intention Setting and Goal Clarity
If you want to reach your destination, you have to know where you’re going! That’s why we start off by having you set your intentions and write out the goals and outcomes you’d like to achieve by the end of the 12-week programme. Most likely, your intentions will focus on two different things: Identifying obstacles and determining the best path around them; and tapping into your talents, strengths, and opportunities for growth.
This initial step is critical if you want a step-by-step, gentle path to evolve into your highest state of being… and to serve as a beneficial guiding force to others.
Week 1: Awakening
The Week 1 training module will introduce you to the core concepts and practices that we’ll be using throughout the remainder of the programme to help you connect to your authentic self in a meaningful, fulfilling way.
- You’ll jumpstart your spiritual awakening by uncovering hidden, unconscious obstacles that have stood in your way of connecting to the source of all universal energy.
- You’ll identify your Spiritual Leadership PowerCentre™ and PowerBlocks™, both of which are critical to your spiritual transformation.
- You’ll discover the three keys to empowerment (and how to use them starting today). Typically, people who feel “stuck” or disempowered haven’t yet mastered these reality-changing keys.
You’ll get the four pillars of spiritual awakening – we’ll be referencing these pillars throughout the rest of the programme to help you stay on track and make consistent, impressive progress toward your goals.
Week 2: Money, Power, and Spirit
Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals, we’ll spend Week 2 diving into the connection between financial success and spiritual understanding.
- You’ll tap into little-known wisdom about money (and why spiritual leaders today MUST step into their money power).
- You’ll learn how to tap into your own unique money power… and use it to create abundance for yourself, your family, and your clients.
- You’ll learn why fear is the one obstacle the separates most people from their own power… and how to eliminate this roadblock quickly and permanently.
- You’ll find out what true power means for spiritual leaders today… and for the people they serve.
Week 3: The Business Model
In Week 3, we’ll get into the “nuts and bolts” of combining business with spirituality – this pairing is creating enormous opportunities for leaders like you to enjoy abundance while making a dramatic impact on the world!
- You’ll learn the quickest and easiest way to create a 6-figure business that resonates with you spiritually.
- You’ll get a done-for-you blueprint to create your own spiritual business that generates the income you deserve, and that empowers you to transform the lives of others on the highest level.
- You’ll get the tried-and-true method for consistently generating profits without feeling “sleazy” or manipulative.
- You’ll learn proven strategies for creating your signature (high-value) offer…and how to market and sell that offer to you perfect prospects so that you generate massive income with almost no sales resistance.
- You’ll find out how to attract your ideal clients and customers… instead of spending your time and money chasing people who aren’t a good fit for you.
- You’ll discover how to fine-tune your messaging to appeal to the clients YOU want.
- If you’re not a business owner yet, you’ll find out how to negotiate your next raise or promotion without even really asking.
Week 4: Evolution of the Species Through the Activation of the PowerCentres™
Starting on Week 4, we’ll be delving into your PowerCentres™ - the spiritual concentrations of energy that will give you the foundation you need to achieve your goals.
- You’ll learn about the qualities of highly evolved beings, and how you can begin integrating those same qualities to amplify your spiritual progress.
- You’ll find out how society is evolving into a spiritually-centered force today. Once you understand this new paradigm, predicting the future of society becomes almost unfairly
Week 5: Earth Leader PowerCentre™
In Week 5, we’ll turn our attention to Earth leaders – the people who will influence the spiritual direction of society and create opportunities for a more evolved humanity.
- You’ll discover how to actualize your self-worth, attract your support tribe, and manifest the wealth and abundance you truly deserve.
- You’ll learn how to identify and release your money fears and manifestation blocks – even if they’ve held you back for decades.
- You’ll develop a deep sense of trust in the abundance of the universe.
Week 6: Sensual Leader PowerCentre™
This week, we’ll look at how you can use your PowerCentre™ to attract the people, circumstances, and wealth you deserve.
- You’ll discover how to reel in clients, super-fans, and success – almost without even trying.
- You’ll find out how to build your own “tribe” to share your message so you can enjoy a steady flow of referrals, sales, and income.
- You’ll see how your PowerCentre™ can help you attract the exact clients you want… instead of dealing with control freaks and drama queens.
- You’ll learn how to develop a sense of flexibility, so you can handle and create changes without worry or stress.
Week 7: Courageous Leader PowerCentre™
In Week 7, we’ll dive into using your courage to create consistent success – both for yourself and others.
- You’ll find out the easy way to improve your decision-making power – you’ll be able to choose the best course of action without second-guessing or agonizing over your decisions.
- You’ll get proven strategies for activating your unshakable willpower, empowering you to double or triple your productivity almost instantly.
- You’ll learn the best practices for setting (and enforcing) personal and business boundaries.
Week 8: Compassionate Leader PowerCentre™
Compassion is an indispensable part of spirituality, and in this week’s module, we’ll explore how you can integrate compassion into your work and your leadership.
- You’ll learn the spiritual “technology” behind giving and receiving love – allowing you to do both in your personal life and your business.
- You’ll discover how to use authentic compassion for positive power and the highest good.
- You’ll find out how to distinguish sentimental (and superficial) love for truly unconditional love.
- You’ll learn how to accept and embrace compassion from others as easily as you give it.
- You’ll discover the power of karmic balance – not only for personal “wins,” but to strengthen the evolution of humanity.
Week 9: Truthful Leader PowerCentre™
This week, we’ll dive into using your truth to achieve your goals as a spiritual leader, and to create a message that resonates with your “tribe.”.
- You’ll learn how to “read between the lines” when communicating with others, so that you can uncover their hidden beliefs, needs, and wants.
- You’ll find out how to enter situations with an open mind, rather than pre-judging.
- You’ll learn how easy it really is to intuitively know what others are “saying,” even when they don’t tell you.
- You’ll get proven strategies to find your perfect “voice” to influence and impact the lives of others (and create abundance for yourself and your family)… without coming across as arrogant
Week 10: Visionary Leader PowerCentre™
Week 10 is all about vision – and by the end of this module, you’ll have a clear sense of how your vision can accelerate your success as a spiritual leader.
- You’ll discover how to create a crystal-clear vision to guide you along your journey to spiritual mastery – you’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it.
- You’ll find out how to develop such keen insights that you seem clairvoyant to others.
- You’ll learn how to see past the superficial chaos in your everyday world, and perceive and predict patterns others cannot.
- You’ll see how depression and a blocked visionary leader PowerCentre™ are linked.
Week 11: Conscious Leader PowerCentre™
This week, we’ll journey into the meaning of conscious leadership and how it can give you the fulfilled, abundant life you’ve always dreamed of.
- You’ll learn how to effortlessly receive wisdom and evolved knowledge from source.
- You’ll find out how you can authentically feel and experience the divine and recognize the innate divinity within you.
- You’ll be empowered to become the creator of your own universe, allowing you to manifest any circumstance or resource you need to live fully in your divine purpose.
Week 12: The Spiritual Leader in Life
In our final module, we’ll explore ways you can use your new spiritual skills in your everyday life, your work, and your relationships with others.
- You’ll discover how to create your own future of abundance, while sharing your spiritual insights to empower others.
- You’ll learn how to build a spiritually centered business or work structure that supports your ideal lifestyle.
- You’ll find out what it takes to be a spiritual leader in the real world.
Now, I know that you’re going to get a wealth of insights, strategies, and ideas from the core training modules… but that’s just the beginning! Here’s what else you’re getting to give you a “total spirit” approach to stepping into your own leadership role in the evolution of humanity:
Module-Based Breakthrough Workbooks
Training is fantastic… but it’s not going to do you any good if you don’t apply it to yourself, your journey, and your vision! That’s why I’m including workbooks to complement the video modules – in these downloadable and printable workbooks, you’ll be exploring your own spiritual growth and discovering strengths and wisdom that you didn’t even know you had!
I definitely do not recommend skipping the exercises and assignments in these workbooks – if you do, you’ll be missing out on some of the most value breakthroughs this programme can provide!
LIVE Group Coaching Calls
Every two weeks, you’ll have the chance to participate in a live group coaching call hosted by me or one of my Spiritual Master Practitioners. Our programme members always look forward to these calls, because they know they’re going to come away with several “a-ha” moments they can use to attain even deeper levels of spiritual understanding (and even greater abundance).
The calls are also excellent to getting answers to your most pressing questions. We’ve all had the experience of waking at 3AM with a burning question about our spiritual path – now, you can simply jot it down, save it for the next coaching call, and get back to sleep!
Access to a Supportive, Knowledgeable Community
The journey to becoming an effective spiritual leader can feel lonely… but not when you’re an Abundant Spiritual Leader programme member! Inside your member’s area, you’ll find a vibrant community of like-minded seekers and experienced Spiritual Master Practitioners who are there to help you develop, transform, grow, and influence.
This isn’t some judgmental, rigid group of people who are simply “faking” their spirituality – our community is made up of some of the most compassionate, evolved people on Earth… and once you’ve introduced yourself and started to connect, it’s going to be one of your favorite places to learn and grow!
Meditation and Contemplation Exercises
My team and I have crafted a collection of practical meditation and contemplation exercises you can use any time of the day or night. These aren’t time-wasters or “fluff” – each one is carefully designed to provide you not only with a stronger spiritual connection, but to allow you to step into your clarity and unique purpose with ease!
Be one of the first to register, and I’ll also include these "Fast Action" bonuses:
Bonus 1:
My one-day Emotional Clearing programme
One of the biggest reasons people – even spiritually minded people like you – struggle to achieve their highest selves is because they’re holding onto emotional obstacles.
You might not even know that emotional blocks are holding you back from emotional growth. That’s because they’re under the surface, influencing your decisions, actions, and energy – even though you’ve long forgotten the incidents that lead to these blocks in the first place.
But with this innovative Emotional Clearing programme, you’ll be able to easily identify and lovingly release your emotional obstacles in one single day!
The two-step vibration-raising process you’ll experience through this powerful recorded program can give you the freedom to:
- Earn what you’re truly worth from your job or business
- Detach from toxic relationships that drain your energy and leave you feeling miserable
- Enjoy social activities again, instead of hiding in your home and avoiding human interaction
- Project confidence and calmness in any situation, even when people around you are freaking out
- Wake up feeling positive and enthusiastic… instead of dreading the notion of getting out of bed
- And much more!
Bonus 2:
Complimentary VIP pass to my next LIVE event
A couple of times each year, I hold live events where spiritually centered people from all over the world gather to get the specific strategies and resources they need to unlock their highest selves. These events feature insightful presentations and breakout sessions, plus opportunities for one-on-one coaching and small group discussions.
Plus, these events are excellent places to meet and connect with like-minded people who want to help you achieve the most from your spiritual journey. Many of my clients tell me that the connections they’ve made at my events have turned into supportive, lifelong friendships.
And, of course, you’ll have the chance to meet me and my carefully vetted team of professionals!
The entry fee for these events is usually £1000 per attendee… but as an Abundant Spiritual Leader programme member, I’m gifting you a VIP pass to my next event at no charge!
All I ask is that, when you see me at the event, be sure to stop and say “hello.” I’d love to meet you!
Bonus 3:
12 weeks of Live Group Coaching calls
(Value over £1200)
Get our undivided attention and guidance almost every other week.
We will personally help you move towards your results step by step. For example, if you ever feel stuck, just ask us for our advice and we’ll help you reach your goals.
- Get coaching to Find & Release your blocks LIVE
- Install new programming
- Activate dormant energy circuits
- Awaken spiritually
- Experience a deep connection to spirit
- Your questions answered
- All the support you need
Samantha Jung-Fielding
Olimpia Modorcea
Simone Mitjams
“3 days of explosive information”
Camilla Munsadia
Wow! What can I say? Just mindblowing! 3 days of explosive information, well, transformation is more the word because that's what it's all about and this is just the beginning. I'm on that journey, so watch this space."
“Absolutely packed with brilliant content”
Michael Trigg
I've just spent 3 days with Lisa Turnerand I'm pushed to say which was the best part of the 3 days because it was absolutely packed with brilliant content. Practical, spiritual, esoteric, esoterically practical, spiritually practical! If you've never come across Lisa Turner before, you're in for a real treat. And if you do know Lisa Turner, you're still in for a treat, because she's warm, extremely well-read, highly researched and extremely wise. It's been a brilliant 3 days - I highly recommend it.
"It will just transform your life"
Nancy Haigh
I've just completed this wonderful course. It is for those who want to know about expanding in their life and this course will give you all that you need for that. It is truly mindblowing, exciting and really worth doing. It will just transform your life.
“Very empowering and enlightening”
Keith Corbett
I've just done the course and can honestly say it's transformational. Very empowering and enlightening. Lots of aha moments and some wonderful people. And I'm really looking forward to taking that forward and developing my own spiritual practice further as a result."
“Pretty phenomenal!”
Claire Bagehot
"I've just done the 3 day event with Lisa Turner, and... pretty phenomenal! It's the first 3 day event that I've been to where I've never felt drained or down afterwards. Very energising, very powerful. So many shifts and changes."
“Blown away by the experience”
Kirstie Dickinson
"I've just attended the course and I'm feeling absolutely overwhelmed and blown away by the experience. It's been absolutely incredible and I've worked through so much stuff in such a short amount of time. I'd recommend it to anyone and would just like to say thank you Lisa."
“I've gained HUGE amounts”
Camilla Clayton
I've just finished the "Spiritual Practitioner Secrets Live" course. I had no idea what to expect, no preconceptions of what I was going to gain from it, and I'm leaving not knowing exactly what I have gained, but knowing I've gained HUGE amounts. So much self learning and so many ideas about the future and where I want to go. I'm on a journey to learn more and I want to thank you all very very much.
"I feel more plugged into the grid, letting the energy flow. I am more energised and fabulously lack the fear I had."
Sian Ainsworth
"6 months ago I stumbled upon Lisa Psycademy on Facebook."
Bridget Ferrell Golding
I was a hot mess and very much in victim role. I was physically allowing fibromyalgia to consume my life. I couldn't find work nor did I have transportation. I couldn't afford her programs that desperately wanted to be a part of. I looked forward to her no one guide emails and longed to be a part.
Then Lisa started posting videos and I watched every one.
Lisa is different from all the rest as she gives you practical information and she teaches spirituality from a place of genuine love of wanting others to experience a happy healthier life.
Not to mention her bubbly straight forward non bs approach that show she does care about your success.
Fast forward 6 months and I'm proud to say I have a wonderful job, where I'm appreciated and loved.
I am able to afford health care and get the medicine I need so I can be an active member of society.
I have purchased me a car and I was able to join one of Lisa's Master classes.
The best part is I understand my place and purpose. I'm no longer walking in fear and today after 45 years I can finally say I love myself.
Lisa 's Psycademy is the real deal!!!'
You know that there are no true coincidences, right? You’re here because some aspect of you already knows that this is the journey that you should be on… and that the Abundant Spiritual Leader 12-week programme is exactly what you need to achieve a profound spiritual transformation.
It’s time to expand your power, influence, and purpose. It’s time to step into your own transformation and discover the profound impact you can have on others.
That small voice isn’t wrong. You absolutely deserve everything that your unique spiritual transformation can bring you. All you have to do is click the button below to boldly embark on your journey today:
Normal Price: £1,000
Because this is the first time we are releasing this material as an online programme we're offering a great deal...
Just £500*
* £500 full pay or 3 payments of £200
Join the wait list so you don't miss out on the early bird special
Yes, Lisa, I want to be the first in line when the doors open to be an Abundant Spiritual Leader and get first notification and claim my special discount.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Your investment in this programme is 100% protected.
The Abundant Spiritual Leader 12-week programme has enabled thousands of coaches, entrepreneurs, and other spiritually minded people to tap into their birthright – the power to experience a deep, unbreakable connection to limitless energy and light. And I know that once you’ve begun to experience your own transformation, you’ll wish that you’d found this programme years ago.
But I also know that investing in an online programme – even one as robust as Abundant Spiritual Leader – can be a bit daunting. What if the training and support don’t live up to my promises? What if this turns out to be just another package of empty, feel-good fluff like everyone else out there sells?
Well, relax – I don’t expect you to risk your hard-earned money.
Here’s what I propose: Register for the Abundant Spiritual Leader programme today and test it out for yourself. Jump into the trainings, workbooks, and other resources. Get involved in our community and get to know your fellow members. Tap into the live coaching calls and get your questions answered.
And if you have tried the material and made an honest effort to get results but have not seen a change, just let me know within 60 days of your start date, and I will personally refund 100% of your investment in this programme.
Now, you’ll need to have tried the material and participated in at least one live coaching call in a honest way to qualify for the refund. I’m not about rewarding “info junkies” who buy training and then never do anything with it. But as long as you can show me you’ve put in the effort, I’ll stand by my word – guaranteed. We're that confident in our spiritual technology!
Fair enough?
Good. So now that I’m taking on 100% of the financial risk, what reason is there not to take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your spiritual experience starting today?
Click the button below to complete your registration and secure your spot for this transformational programme:
Join the wait list so you don't miss out on the early bird special
Yes, Lisa, I want to be the first in line when the doors open to be an Abundant Spiritual Leader and get first notification and claim my special discount.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
When you log into your programme dashboard for the first time, be sure to visit our members-only community and introduce yourself. I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
Lisa Turner
P.S. If you’re still hesitating, let me ask you: How much abundance have you already missed out on because you struggled to develop your spiritual connection? Chances are, it’s much more than what you’re investing in this transformational programme today. Don’t keep missing out on the abundance you deserve – click the button below to register now.
P.P.S. I would LOVE to be able to leave this offer open indefinitely… but the truth is, my team and I provide so much time and attention to each of our programme members, we have to limit registration to just a small handful of people. Once we’ve reached capacity, I’ll have to “close the doors” until further notice. So if you don’t want to miss out on this rare opportunity, lock in your registration right away!
Join the wait list so you don't miss out on the early bird special
Yes, Lisa, I want to be the first in line when the doors open to be an Abundant Spiritual Leader and get first notification and claim my special discount.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
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